Online Teaching Programme


Circular No. MDH/2019-20/008

 For classes VII & VIII Dear Parent In the wake of spread of COVID-19 Corona Virus, the entire nation has gone into a state of lockdown leaving all routine activities of educational institutions suspended. While the children are staying safe at home, it is very necessary that a routine of studies must be maintained. As you are already aware that the school has always been on the forefront in imbibing technology in education, the school is beginning with “Online Teaching Programme” from Wednesday, 01 April 2020 from 09:00 a.m. to 12 noon for the classes VII & VIII. You are, therefore, requested to ensure the proper Internet connection at your end so that your ward reaps the benefits of online classes. Schedule of the classes shall be communicated separately by the class teacher/subject teachers through WhatsApp groups. Classes shall be conducted through the portal provided by Zoom. Students can avail the benefits of classes through following steps: Download the “ZOOM CLOUD MEETINGS” App on your mobile device/tablet from Google Play Store/Apple Store etc. or logon to the website Create an account on ZOOM on your computer or mobile/tablet. Join a meeting (Class) by entering “Meeting ID” and ‘Meeting Password”. An interactive group meeting/class will be formed with the teacher. Please note that attendance of students in each lecture/class is mandatory and the same will be recorded for each class each day. We sincerely believe that this initiative of the school shall receive open welcome from the parents and with your cooperation, our motive of continued education to our students shall be achieved. Regards HOS

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